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David Bufka's Modern-Era HO Scale Midwest Model Railroad

David Bufka’s Modern-Era HO Scale Midwest Model Railroad

David Bufka's modern-era model railroad is located in a finished 12'x15' attic room in his 100-year-old farmhouse. Union Pacific, Illinois Terminal and BNSF trains pass through the countryside, cityscape, and downtown yard scenes on this HO scale railroad. Dave has been working on his...
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My very most favorite railroad shot. This is at MG, halfway down the mountain between Gallitzin and Altoona, Pennsylvania. It is a couple of miles before the train starts around the world famous Horseshoe Curve. This is a highly desired location for rail photographers visiting the Horseshoe Curve.

Bill Linson’s Favorite Railfanning Photos, Part 3

Starting with several thousand images, here is an additional set of my favorite photos from my many railfan trips....
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Between Cresson and Gallitzin, Pennsylvania.

Bill Linson’s Favorite Railfanning Photos, Part 2

Starting with several thousand images, here are some more of my favorite photos from my many railfan trips....
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Harper’s Ferry, West Virginia.

Bill Linson’s Favorite Railfanning Photos, Part 1

Starting with several thousand images, here are some of my favorite photos from my many railfan trips....
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Beautiful Spring Day Railfanning Pacific Missouri

Beautiful Spring Day Railfanning Pacific Missouri

Friday was such a beautiful day here - 71 degrees and not a cloud in the sky - so I ran down to Pacific, Missouri (about 6 or 7 miles west of home in Ballwin, and calls itself “Train Town USA”) and caught four trains in the span of fifty minutes....
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Denver’s Union Station, opened in 1914 and following a $54 million two-year renovation in 2012-14, retained its iconic front.

Powder River Coal Basin, Colorado and Wyoming Railfan Trip

A dozen of us, from Ohio, Kentucky, and Canada as well as Missouri, spent the last week on a rail fan trip to Colorado and Wyoming. We all met in Chicago, took Amtrak’s California Zephyr to Denver, and then rented cars to get around including the Powder River Coal Basin and Cheyenne S...
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Union Pacific eastbound mixed freight. This the old Missouri Pacific line, and the same rails I've been shooting the past couple of weeks, just three or four miles east. This is at MP 28.

Railfanning Eureka in The Snow

Went to Eureka looking for snow pictures. Not much snow, and what there was, was dirty snow. Here are four shots from the trip. A good afternoon at Eureka. Enjoy....
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Bob Boedges’ Fussin & Fumin N Scale Model Railroad

Bob Boedges’ Fussin & Fumin N Scale Model Railroad

Bob has created a beautiful fully-sceniced modern-era BNSF N scale model railroad empire in the two-car garage and lower level of his split-level home. The layout features a single-track mainline with hidden staging and an industrial branchline that leads to a highly detailed, very im...
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Bob Boedges' N Scale Fussin & Fumin Model Railroad

Bob Boedges’ N Scale Fussin & Fumin Model Railroad

Bob's N scale completely sceniced modern era BNSF in St. Louis layout features a single track mainline loop with Digitrax DCC control. The layout is located in the lower level of a split foyer home and includes the two-car garage. Bob has monthly operating sessions using a document pr...
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San Diego Trolley

San Diego Trolley and The Coaster

For the Microsoft TechEd 2004 conference, I stayed at a new hotel directly across the street from the San Diego Convention Center. Well, also across working railroad and trolley tracks. And the view allowed me to rainfan from my hotel room window. So here's some shots of BNSF, the Coa...
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Caliente Curve, Richard Schumacher

Some Favorite Prototype Photos

Some favorite prototype photos by Kevin Hampton, Brad Joseph, Venita Lake, and Richard Schumacher....
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