Your Gateway to Model Railroading Fun
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David Bufka’s Modern-Era HO Scale Midwest Model Railroad

Photos by Richard Schumacher

David Bufka’s modern-era model railroad is located in a finished 12’x15′ attic room in his 100-year-old farmhouse. Union Pacific, Illinois Terminal and BNSF trains pass through the countryside, cityscape, and downtown yard scenes on this HO scale railroad. Dave has been working on his railroad for 18 years and features beautiful photographic backdrops and Digitrax DCC control. Interesting features include a return loop in the unfinished portion of the attic with protective doors for when the railroad is not in operation, mirror clips holding the backdrops and protective clear plastic panels in place, and a farm scene with Viessmann Modellspielwaren animated chickens pecking their feed (with matching sounds). Visitors are accepted by appointment. These photos were taken at a tour of his railroad following the NMRA/NRHS Micro Engineering tour.

Richard Schumacher is the GatewayNMRA.org webmaster and models the transition-era Saint Louis Southern in HO scale. He is a retired technology and workforce development manager and still does some photography and website work. Email