Your Gateway to Model Railroading Fun
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Photos from the Rail Op 2010 Operations Event

photos by Richard Schumacher

On September 17th & 18th thirty-six Gateway NMRA members participated in the first Gateway Division Rail Op operations weekend. Phil Bonzon reported that “from the feedback it was a resounding success with all having a great time. The layout hosts Hank Kraichely, Gary Gross, Bob Johnson, John Schindler, and Rich & Venita Lake did an outstanding job at being gracious and helpful hosts with the sessions running smoothly.”

Phil also noted that “there was an added bit of excitement Saturday afternoon at the Lake’s session, as a hot-air balloon, participating in the Great Forest Park Balloon Race, landed on their street just a few house away, while other balloons passed closely overhead.”

The five layouts participating in this event included:

  • Rich & Venita Lake – El Dorado & El Reno Railroad
  • Gary Gross – Franklin Pacific Railroad
  • John Schindler – St. Louis Junction Railroad
  • Hank Kraichely – Burlington Route
  • Bob Johnson – Pseudo-Soo Line

These photos were taken during the Rail Op operating sessions at Randy Meyer’s and John Schindler’s layouts.

Randy Meyer’s Canyon & Rocky Mountain Railroad

John Schindler’s St. Louis Junction Railroad

Richard Schumacher is the webmaster and models the transition-era Saint Louis Southern in HO scale. He is a retired technology and workforce development manager and still does some photography and website work. Email