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Structure Kitbashing Contest 2009

photos by Richard Schumacher

HO Scale – DPM Laube’s Linen Mill

Members who attended the May 2009 monthly Division meeting received a DPM building kit and some extra wall components. Many of them brought their completed kitbashed models for a “show and tell” presentation at the September 2009 meeting. Members voted for their favorites and prizes were awarded as follows: Phil Bonzon took first place with his highly modified structure that he displayed on a diorama. He received a $50 gift certificate to Mark Twain Hobbies for his efforts. Gregor Moe took second place and received a $30 gift certificate. There was a tie for third place in the popular vote. Following a coin toss, the $20 gift certificate was awarded to Dave Bartz. After the business meeting, each modeler spent a few minutes talking about the design and finishing of his own model.

Not an official entry in the contest, Rich Laux brought his kitbashed industry made from two DPM kits for inspiration on what is possible when you look at kits as parts to make your own custom building.

Contest Entries

Richard Schumacher is the GatewayNMRA.org webmaster and models the transition-era Saint Louis Southern in HO scale. He is a retired technology and workforce development manager and still does some photography and website work. Email