A companion article to Essence of Operations
There are a number of sources for the four-way waybill and car card system Bob discusses in his article, as well as resources and additional information on how to setup your operations.
For over twenty years, Old Line Graphics has offered printed sets of the forms needed for this operating system. They offer a “basic set” for $22.50 (including shipping) which includes 100 car cards, 150 waybills, 50 special waybills, 50 messages, 50 train orders, 50 unit train bills, 50 mine block bills, and 50 bad order slips. They also sell each item “a la carte” in pads of 50 forms.
Old Line Graphics
1604 Woodwell Road
Silver Spring, MD 20906-2048
The NMRA OpSIG is a wonderful source of operations information; membership is well worth the investment of $15/year. http://www.opsig.org/
Their “Introduction to Operations” is online at: http://www.opsig.org/reso/ops101.shtml
And the OpSIG Membership form: http://www.opsig.org/join/
The Australasian Region OpSIG also has waybills and car cards you can download and print from their website: http://www.nmra.org.au/gndu/Operation/Operation.html
The Gateway Division NMRA has an operations overview article online at: https://www.gatewaynmra.org/1999/designing-model-railroad-operations/
and operator’s https://www.gatewaynmra.org/1996/operators-guide-model-railroad-operation/ and owner’s guides: https://www.gatewaynmra.org/1996/layout-owners-guide-model-railroad-operation/
Micro-Mark (www.micromark.com) recently introduced their “Car Routing System Starter Pack” (item #82916) which includes 100 each car cards, waybills, and bad order slips along with 25 locomotive cards and 4 three-compartment bill boxes for $32.70.
This product is especially interesting because of the nice wooden bill boxes included with the starter pack – also available separately (package of 2, item #82914, $9.95). Prices do not include shipping.
A problem with any car card and waybill system is where the bills are placed once the cars are spotted. Some modelers use a banker’s clip to hold the cards together and hang it near the siding. Others build small boxes or trays attached to the layout fascia, although they can be complex / troublesome to build. Micro-Mark’s bill boxes look nice, are purpose-made for the task, pre-assembled, and ready to attach to your layout.
340 Snyder Avenue
Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922-1595
Lots of info thanks