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Pete Smith’s Beautiful Loon Lake Railway & Navigation Co. Sn3 Model Railroad

Photos by Richard Schumacher

Marvel at the scenic wonder and beautiful details on Pete Smith’s 28’x20’ Sn3 narrow-gauge layout. Shays and Heislers crawl over the 125-foot loop-to-loop mainline servicing logging, mining and waterfront operations. Pete’s layout was on tour during our 2014 Annual Train Show. These photos were taken during the tour. See the other photo gallery of this layout.

Richard Schumacher is the webmaster and models the transition-era Saint Louis Southern in HO scale. He is a retired technology and workforce development manager and still does some photography and website work. Email
  1. Ben Dickmann

    The ability to develop such amazing detail from imagination and skill is overwhelming. These buildings and their respective settings are probably the best I have ever seen. This is not only a tribute to the skills associated with model railroading. This is art and all the components of art that only the human mind can develop in such an impressive manner.